I have always been leary of the mummy bags. I felt like if I tried one I would feel trapped. This was not the case with this bag. I am a side sleeper and I toss and turn a lot and had no issue moving around. When you get in and zip up it feels like you are being hugged by a cloud. You immediately start to feel your own body heat.
I have used this bag for three years in a variety of settings. On an ocean Island in the fall, woods Fall and Spring, as well as the back of my truck late Spring. So I got a pretty good feel for the bag.
This brings me to a few things I do not like about the bag. The first thing I found out is that the bag is too warm for the times of year I camp. I would say if you are not cold weather/winter camping, you can leave this bag at home. Besides this -20F bag, they also have a zero degree as well as a -40F bag! I could not imagine the conditions you would need to be comfortable in that bag!
For a winter bag, it would be awesome! I place an emergency blanket from Walmart down, then my insulated pad and have yet to be cold with this bag fall or spring. It has dropped down in temperature a couple times where I climbed in and was toasty.
When I do actually use it the right way, I like to put my camp pillow in the hood to keep it in place.
What I have done to use the bag in warmer weather, like early spring and fall, is to flip it over and use it as a quilt. I put my feet in and leave it unzipped and draped over me. This has worked extremely well to date.
The other thing I do not like and thought I would is the middle zipper location. Well, not so much the location but the length is too short to be in the middle. It seems a chore to get out of the bag. If it zipped down another 8-12 inches I think it would be much better. The zipper in the middle did help in using it as a quilt though.
I will not go into a bunch of specs. I will post screenshots of the specs below or you can go to The North Face website and check them out. It comes with a stuff sack that compresses down to about the size of a soccer ball making it easy to use when I kayak camp. It fits nicely in my front hatch. It also comes with a mesh storage bag to give it room to breathe while stored.
To conclude, if you need a quality, lightweight bag and you are a cold sleeper, this bag will probably be for you. I do not see myself giving it up but I did purchase a backpacking quit to use on warmer camps. I will review that soon... REI Co-op Magma Trail Quilt 30!

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