Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Newport Vessels Battery Box

    I decided to put the battery in a battery box to tidy up things. I went with Newport Vessels since they had good ratings and it also had 12v as well as USB ports for charging or running accessories.

    I can plug my battery tender right into the 12v outlet to charge and maintain the battery.


     I am not likely to use the battery for charging phones much since I have an outlet on the console. I figured it would be good for other people to use or if I want to use it camping near my tent.

    I had an extra wireless charging unit I purchased for my RAM and did not like the way it fit. I cut it down to a smaller size and glued it under the lid so the box was wireless capable. I was even able to use the existing light that came with the unit.

    This rubber piece came with my RAM Mount phone holder so I glued it here for grip. At first, I tried Loctite super glue but that did not stick so I am trying a trim adhesive. If that doesn't work I have another type of trim glue I will try. After that, I guess I will have to leave it off or try a 2 part epoxy.

    Initially, I spliced into the USB wires. My thought was since a button had to be pushed to activate that port, I could do the same for the wireless unit and not have it on all the time. FOr whatever reason, the USB would not go back into sleep mode once you activated it. it would also only charge the phone for a few seconds then stop. I decided to tap directly into the incoming 12-volt source. this worked great as far as charging but it stayed on all the time. I decided to put it on a switch. I can now turn it on when needed and off when it is not in use.

LINK to Switch

    I also put looms on the wires and added a RAM phone holder.

    If you get one of these holders for an iPhone XS Max or 11, you will want to get the larger size. My XS Max just barely fit in the regular size. I purchased the larger size for a better fit.

    Then I moved the cup holder up in front of the console and got another one for the other side. I screwed them both down to hold the front seat from being able to slide out, This will also deter someone from stealing the holders.

   Last but not least, I used JB Weld Marine compound to secure a rod holder in each of the oarlock locations. I scuffed up the inside and cleaned everything well with rubbing alcohol for prep. We will see if it holds up. If they break loose I will have to come up with something else.

    I think this will be about it for now. I think it will make a great little fishing boat for Bear Island!

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