My friend, Steve, of 32 years holds a friendly tournament every year on Kerr Lake. He lives right on the lake so it makes it convenient for everyone. Basically we each put in 20 bucks and that is split into 3 categories, biggest Largemouth Bas, biggest Catfish, and Trophy fish. The later being hosts choice. Trophy can be any species fish at an unusual size or quantity etc. Basically just a good time and a chance to get some bragging rights! I think this year there were 8 official entries and a few others fishing off days. Apologies in advance, I may have left some stuff out and got a few things out of order, it was a long weekend!
I arrived Wednesday so I could get prime sleeping LOL. Some years we set up tents down at the lake, this year everyone slept in the house
We decided not to put the boat in the water until Thursday and just fished from his dock. We also had way to many adult beverages and that's all I will say about that. Needless to say Thursday AM was a bit rough. I did catch a decent catfish from the dock.
Me looking inebriated |
The boat ramp is a bit of a drive from his house so we did that first thing. He drove the boat over to his dock while I drove the truck back to his house.
Steve taking my boat |
We did a bit of fishing and managed a Striper before heading in. His brother Ray Showed up so we planned a night Striper fishing outing.
First decent Striper |
Steve took his son, Coleman, and set off to the ramp to get his boat in the water. They planned to fish then Coleman would drive the truck home and Steve would take the boat to his dock. I took Ray on my boat and set out to meet Steve at the spot. It was a good ways from the dock and very dark out. I am not use to navigating his lake, much less in the dark. I took it slow and steady and made it to the spot. Steve and Coleman were already fishing. Coleman manned the trolling motor and moved all around the point like a pro. I was wondering how the hell he could see! HA.
Ray and I made the mistake of not setting our rods up before hand so I held the flashlight while ray tied on his Redfin then I set out to tie mine on. In the meantime Ray cast and broke off first thing! I put my stuff down and maneuvered the boat so he could retrieve the lure, then held the flash light once again.
In the meantime some lightning and rumble was starting to happen back towards home. We did not pay too much mind to it and finished setting up our gear. About the time we were set the storm was moving in and the lightning had become much closer so we all decided to go. Steve was going to drop Coleman off at the ramp then proceed after us to his dock. We were going to follow him over to the ramp and wait on him but decided to head back to avoid rain. About half way back the lightning was scary close and the sky opened up. I immediately turned the boat around and ran out of the worst of it to get my rain gear on. I should have done this before leaving the fishing area. Live and learn. I managed to get the suit on then noticed the boat had shut off. When trying to restart it, it would just turn over. Then I started getting some alarm from the motor. WTH. After a few tries I realized what happened. When I put on my rain gear I forgot to detach the safety lanyard from my pants and it pulled off the console! I got it back on and she started right up and we hauled butt back to the dock in torrential rain. Poor Ray only had a rain jacket so his jeans were soaked by the time we got back in. He got beat up pretty bad since he had nothing to hid behind while we were under way. I was fortunate to have the windshield to duck behind. I had also just received a Gore-tex rain suit from BassPro for a early birthday gift from my girlfriend and it was awesome. I stayed very dry and comfortable.
These things rock! |
It turns out it only drizzled back at the ramp so Steve and Coleman waited it out and went back to fishing. I think they caught a couple stripers too! He decided to take his boat out there and put it back int he next day.
By Thursday night and Friday morning, most of the group had showed up. I rode to the ramp and drove Joes boat to the dock while he took his truck back. I managed to take a wrong turn and go down the main lake rather than the leg that goes to Steve's dock. Once I figured out what I had done, I got turned around and finally got back to the dock. I still managed to beat Joe back to the house. We set out to do some pre fishing, Joe and Randy on Joes boat, Ray in his and I took mine. We all headed to the back of the cove Steve's dock is on. I think Steve went to put his boat in and we met up with him later. It was hard to keep track of everyone LOL.
I managed a nice Bass before it started getting hot. We went back and regrouped at the dock.
Should have had a selfie stick! |
Randy and Joe on Joe's new Tracker! |
Ray on his boat photo bombing in the background. |
Todd, an old friend showed up to spend the day so He, Steve, and I set out for some striper fishing at the point we caught the one on Thursday. We set up and started trolling and managed to limit out after several passes. It was pretty awesome and I was glad we could get Todd on some fish. Needless to say, I marked a couple spots for later!
Todd |
Left to right Steve, Todd, Me |
Tournament time, Kevin and I set out in my boat pretty early in search of bass at the spot I had caught one the day before. They had lock jaw most of the morning until one finally bit on Kevin's creature bait! At 14 3/4 inches we quickly learned a larger one had been caught from Joes boat by Randy at about the same time. It started getting hot and the bite was non existent so we headed in to regroup.
Kevin's bass |
I had decided that I would not be getting big bass and I was ok with that so a few of us decided to troll for Striper and hope to pick up a big cat as well to maybe win that category. I took Steve's brothers, Ray and Dan, on my boat and Steve took Kevin on his. Joe and Randy took theirs. We managed 6 stripers and 2-3 catfish from my boat and Steve picked up three Striper on his. Joe and Randy skunked.
I caught the first catfish at 21 inches and was pretty excited since no-one else had one to enter. Only a few minutes later, Ray took the money right out of my pocket with a fat 28 1/2 inches!
My tiny Cat |
Ray's winning Cat |
Ray and his winning Cat |
Steve and Kevin into some Stripers |
Ray with the G3's catch |
Sunday morning most every one had to leave so we announced winners and said out goodbyes.
L2R Randy, Dan, Dot, Ray, Coleman, Steve, Joe, Damon, Kevin |
Randy took first with a fat 17 1/2 inch Bass, Ray's cat won biggest Catfish and I got Trophy since my boat pulled in so many Striper.
Randy's Winner |
Once everyone left, Steve, Coleman and I headed back out to try and get some more Striper. We only managed one but it was a good day on the water. Once back I took my truck and Steve took my boat back to the ramp to take out.
Steve driving the G3 |
Colemans Striper |
Pulling corks |
It was one of the best years ever and I can't wait until next year!
I did not keep up with everyone that was there and I also wasn't able to get pictures of everyone. If I gather any from others, I will edit them in later.
Randy got a cat |
Ray getting it done! |
Honorable mention.... Rays Big Ass Frog!
That's one big ass frog! |
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